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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Tulio Guadalupe” ,找到相关结果约1995条。
Posture as Index for Approach-Avoidance Behavior
Anita Eerland, Tulio M. Guadalupe, Ingmar H. A. Franken, Rolf A. Zwaan
PLOS ONE , 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031291
Abstract: Approach and avoidance are two behavioral responses that make people tend to approach positive and avoid negative situations. This study examines whether postural behavior is influenced by the affective state of pictures. While standing on the Wii? Balance Board, participants viewed pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant pictures (passively viewing phase). Then they had to move their body to the left or the right (lateral movement phase) to make the next picture appear. We recorded movements in the anterior-posterior direction to examine approach and avoidant behavior. During passively viewing, people approached pleasant pictures. They avoided unpleasant ones while they made a lateral movement. These findings provide support for the idea that we tend to approach positive and avoid negative situations.
Language Comprehension in the Balance: The Robustness of the Action-Compatibility Effect (ACE)
Rolf A. Zwaan, Nathan van der Stoep, Tulio Guadalupe, Samantha Bouwmeester
PLOS ONE , 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031204
Abstract: How does language comprehension interact with motor activity? We investigated the conditions under which comprehending an action sentence affects people's balance. We performed two experiments to assess whether sentences describing forward or backward movement modulate the lateral movements made by subjects who made sensibility judgments about the sentences. In one experiment subjects were standing on a balance board and in the other they were seated on a balance board that was mounted on a chair. This allowed us to investigate whether the action compatibility effect (ACE) is robust and persists in the face of salient incompatibilities between sentence content and subject movement. Growth-curve analysis of the movement trajectories produced by the subjects in response to the sentences suggests that the ACE is indeed robust. Sentence content influenced movement trajectory despite salient inconsistencies between implied and actual movement. These results are interpreted in the context of the current discussion of embodied, or grounded, language comprehension and meaning representation.
Differences in cerebral cortical anatomy of left- and right-handers
Tulio Guadalupe,Roel M. Willems,Marcel P. Zwiers,Alejandro Arias Vasquez,Martine Hoogman,Peter Hagoort,Guillen Fernandez,Jan Buitelaar,Barbara Franke,Simon E. Fisher,Clyde Francks
Frontiers in Psychology , 2014, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00261
Abstract: The left and right sides of the human brain are specialized for different kinds of information processing, and much of our cognition is lateralized to an extent toward one side or the other. Handedness is a reflection of nervous system lateralization. Roughly ten percent of people are mixed- or left-handed, and they show an elevated rate of reductions or reversals of some cerebral functional asymmetries compared to right-handers. Brain anatomical correlates of left-handedness have also been suggested. However, the relationships of left-handedness to brain structure and function remain far from clear. We carried out a comprehensive analysis of cortical surface area differences between 106 left-handed subjects and 1960 right-handed subjects, measured using an automated method of regional parcellation (FreeSurfer, Destrieux atlas). This is the largest study sample that has so far been used in relation to this issue. No individual cortical region showed an association with left-handedness that survived statistical correction for multiple testing, although there was a nominally significant association with the surface area of a previously implicated region: the left precentral sulcus. Identifying brain structural correlates of handedness may prove useful for genetic studies of cerebral asymmetries, as well as providing new avenues for the study of relations between handedness, cerebral lateralization and cognition.
Apatia política e credo democrático
Kahn, Tulio;
Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política , 1997, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-64451997000100010
Abstract: according to this article the idea that the most authoritarian citizens are also the most apathetic and that this assures a certain stability for the democratic institutions, is mistaken. on the basis of public opinion surveys in five countries it is shown that the most authoritarian, at least regarding the most direct and radical forms of participation, are as much participative as the others.
Thermal Characterization and Lifetime Estimation of the Humus Lombricospt  [PDF]
Tulio Andres Florez, Gladis Miriam Aparicio
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry (AJAC) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/ajac.2014.52007

Through this study, the humus produced in the breeding place of Universidad Autonoma de Occidente was thermally characterized. The humus was submitted to a heating program controlled by the Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) technique to characterize the type of transition, Thermogravimetry (TGA) to study the equilibrium of phasesand Mass Spectrometry (MS) coupled to TGA to identify detached elements in a temperature range. The temperature range used in this study was 30 < T < 600. The energy required for the water desorption in the humus has been found in this study. The humus showed a quick desorption between 30 ≤ TDesorption ≤ 110 at a heating rate of 10/min and presented decomposition around 250. Moreover, the kinetics of the desorption of the humus was studied to obtain the activation energy three TGA measures for three different heating rates. The average activation energy was about 26 kJ/Mol. This result was carried out to obtain an estimation of the desorption time of water in the range from room temperature to the decomposition temperature around 350.

Los límites de las comunidades de indagación
Olmos Gil,Tulio;
EPISTEME , 2007,
Abstract: when forming an inquiring community in the area of philosophy for children, several aspects must be taken into account for this community to reach its goals by following a schedule of activities that favors an atmosphere of philosophical debate, thus allowing for the effective and spontaneous participation of its members towards cognitive growth and/or production of knowledge.
Investigación y Postgrado , 2002,
Abstract: the following paper examines the importance given to the skin color of the people appearing in venezuelan elementary school textbook illustrations. it aims at unveiling the values, prejudices, and stereotypes remaining in our society's collective subconscious. particularly, when these educational tools are frequently used in the classroom. to achieve the objective, ideological analysis of iconic textbooks was applied in order to uncover the underlying message. the technique included categories such as skin color, gender, activity, occupation associated to the activity, textbook's last year's edition and school grade to which it is addressed. 10.161 images of human figures, extracted from 42 textbooks, were analyzed. results showed that despite the venezuelan society's self-definition as non-racist, there are still some discriminatory features unconsciously expressed in the images in the textbooks. this is thought to reinforce dominant stereotypes and values toward different ethnic groups.
La Ley Natural como patrón del orden justo
álvarez,Tulio Alberto;
Frónesis , 2009,
Abstract: starting with an analysis of the vatican document ?regarding the search for a universal ethic: a new look at natural law? (a la recherche d?une ethique universelle: nouveau regard sur la loi naturelle), some current problems in the interpretation and application of law are reviewed. specifically, the study deals with validating the normative system as a just order, linking it to some universal values that grant privilege to the dignity of the human person. with the objective of freeing juridical praxis from legal-positive harshness, the concept of natural law is reviewed and the problem of justice is moved to the field of ethics in an effort to face the crisis that marks the destiny of a ghettoized, materialist society with perverted values.
Ser maestro en Venezuela
Revista de Pedagogía , 2006,
Abstract: venezuelan teachers have historically been the object of a sort of double discourse on the part of educational authorities. by constant repetition, this double discourse may have become part of our people?s beliefs about what teachers are or must be. at times apostles and at other times mercenaries, such epithets have come and gone according to the circumstances, be these at government-promoted ceremonies or during union-promoted conflicts. despite the cyclical disqualifications, the leaders of the teaching profession have often been at the forefront in the many struggles that along decades have played a key role in the improvement of the yet modest salaries that have been common place in the teaching job in this country. the beginning of the twenty first century has not necessarily brought good news in this regard as the salaries earned are still to catch up with the relatively high inflation in this country, a situation which leads us to think that unionized teachers will continue to fight for better working and living conditions in the years to come. however, the hypothesis can be entertained that these struggles will not necessarily lead to massive teacher dropouts due to the relatively strong motivational factors that tend to keep our teachers at their jobs despite the relatively high levels of dissatisfaction with the low salaries paid.
El texto escolar: una línea de investigación en educación
Revista de Pedagogía , 2003,
Abstract: abstract school texts are a rich source of information for research in education. their content, the knowledge they privilege, their omissions, the values transmitted, structure, production and marketing, the legal issues involved, criteria for teacher book choice, among others, are some of the variety of researchable issues in this regard. this article seeks to underscore the importance of a line of research on school texts in education. it proposes a number of topics that could be addressed as research problems by both students and professionals in the field of education.

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